Welcome to Fearing Thindom

Follow me as I face my fears of losing my fat and becoming thin. The journey will be frightening, so readers beware, but we will laugh at our fears, other people and their fears, and mostly, other people.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


No, this is not about cleaning the house, which, by the way, I hate, loath and despise.  Such a waste of time.

This housekeeping note is for my blog.  I have added the "followers" feature so you can sign up and be alerted when I have posted something new and earth-shatteringly important for your life. 

Initially, I deleted that feature because I hated looking at the profiles of empty heads.  It was ugly.  And I don't like ugly--which is why we will delve more deeply into things fat people should NOT do.  And why all my tv people have to be pretty.  But that's for later...

For now, sign up to be my follower---it's part of my plot to take over the world, which will segue nicely into my next official post :-)

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